Anëtarësuar: 29-04-08. Postime: 1678. Reputacioni: 4. Besnik, është drejt rrugës. Vlera origjinale. Le ta gezoje edhe mbeshtetjen time, shpresoj qe do ta ndihmoj si Luginas dhe Diasporas (Duplo-joker). Besnik, Nuk ndodhet në linjë ...
blugina/b, April 30th, 2008 6:24 pm ET. OBAMA PLEASE JUST GO AWAY...GO...FLIP-FLOP... Jenni B, April 30th, 2008 6:24 pm ET. Oh C'mon! Can't any of you see that this was a total set up by the Clinton Camp? Obama is being lynched left and right. b....../b I must give American's a large dose of credit, as they can also do the math that this gas thing of hers will only save then at the most $50 over a period of 4 months unless they take a long road trip bvacation/b of 3000 miles which ...